The next big thing in rural India is a clean technology
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 3 - Environmental
The Clean Energy and Economic Well-Being (CEEW) study found that women make up more than 80% of the early adopters of clean-tech lifestyle appliances. In India, there will be approximately 150 million individuals working in the 30 million women-owned micro, little, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) that are predicted to exist by 2030.

Supreme Court simplifies norms for consumer court president and member selection
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 2 - Polity
In order to appoint the president and members of the State Commission, one should be specialized in the profession and should be experienced not lesser than 10 years in the fields of consumer affairs, law, public affairs, administration, economics, commerce, industry, finance, management, engineering, technology, public health, or medicine, as well as a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university, to be considered as qualifications for the position of State Commission president and members.